Friday, July 11, 2008


It's Friday and there's nothing I like better when it's 95 degrees out, and humidity to match, than to pop open a nice cold Corona Light. Okay, it doesn't have to be that hot out for me to drink one, but it just happens to be, OK?
But first, can we have just a small lime-cutting lesson? Because one of my pet peeves is ordering a Corona at a bar & grill and you get this big hunk of lime with it that won't fit into your bottle. Shame on you bar staff! To be a bartender or server, you must know how to cut a lime. I have been known to tell bar staff the proper way to cut limes, and I've never even worked in a bar.
First, cut the lime in half lengthwise. This is the most important part of all. You must cut it lengthwise. Then cut across the lime in slices. I guarantee you if you cut your lime this way it will go into the Corona bottle.
It's 5 o'clock somewhere, and it most definitely is here. Amen to that Jimmy Buffett.
Cheers! FF

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