Monday, July 21, 2008


I always say the crafty gene skipped me. My mom has it; she creates beautiful jewelry, knits beautiful scarves, has painted in the past. My dad has it; he can build just about anything out of metal or wood. My sister even has the craft gene; she makes notecards, is a great photographer, and can also make just about whatever.
I, on the other hand, have a lot of great ideas, just not the wherewithall to get them accomplished.
I also happened to marry a guy who is very creative and can build just about anything, fix anything, you name it. His line of work allows him more free time in the winter months in which he disappears into his workshop and creates all kinds of wonderful things out of beautiful pieces of wood.
A candleholder:
A free-form box with little drawers:
He uses this as his "jewelry box". He doesn't have much in it. He's not a goldchain/pinkie ring sorta guy:
This is one of my jewelry boxes. It has lots of things in it. I am a jewelry wearing gal, but not goldchains or pinky rings:
Another box with lots of cute little drawers:

This is one of my favorite pieces he has made; a nautilus shell box. I claimed this one before he even had it finished:

Another box. He was on a box-making kick this past winter:

He also makes bigger things out of wood. He made the bar in our basement, a gorgeous mission-style bookshelf that weighs a ton and a half, a shelf to hold his stereo-equipment, and numerous things he's given away or sold.

I'm a lucky girl!

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