Monday, July 28, 2008

Manic Monday

It's Monday, and at our house this is what happens on Mondays: Laundry, and lots of it. And despite the fact that tonsilitis and pink eye is making the rounds at our house, the show must go on. And yes, even I have the dreaded pink eye. My 6yo told me, "Mommy, your face looks sick." Niiiice.
Actually, out of all the household chores, laundry is my favorite. People think I'm nuts, but I love sorting, washing and most of all folding. To me, it is cathartic, and that's why I do it on Monday. It beats scrubbing toilets. I do that on Wednesdays. :)

Hope your Monday is great (and healthy!) FF

1 comment:

Rue said...

I'm so sorry you have pink eye! I haven't had it in years, but I hated it.

I hope it's better soon :)