Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wild Things

Yesterday we ventured to the zoo. It's hard to believe the last time we were there was just after the last day of school and here we are and it's almost time for school to start again.

First stop, milking the (fake) cow with the (fake) um....udders?

Um....oh my......that looks like a problem. I have to say thank God I never had that happen while I was nursing:

Got some food?

Are you sure they won't bite?

Well, okay then......

Is this my child?! Because I don't think any child of mine is going to be holding some bug, let alone a hissing cockroach. Ewwww.....

There's one of my little hatchlings:

Ahhhh....thank goodness. Lunch time! Yum! PB&Js!

And string cheese!

Now that they're all fueled up, it's time to dig for dinosaur bones:

And I have to tell you; this sweet young gal, my youngest asked her I don't know how many times where this bone came from and she patiently explained it to him every single time. I would've been like, "little boy....where's your mom?" But then, I'm not a member of the "zoo crew" either....for good reason. :)

The seal pool:

There's the seal:

Outside the butterfly pavillion:

Inside the butterfly pavillion:

And you can't go to the zoo without a pony ride:

And a train ride:

Until next time!


1 comment:

Rue said...

Good morning FF :)

I love the zoo! In fact we need to make a trip there, but I'm waiting for it to cool down a bit.

I can't belive he held a cockraoch! ewwwww... is right!

rue :)